Ann Johansson
Ann Johansson is a Los Angeles-based corporate and editorial photographer and multimedia producer specializing in photographing people and their environments. Assignments have taken her around the world photographing everything from the poorest of the poor to CEOs and Hollywood celebrities.

5-part video series on Sierra Leone
Pt.1: Sierra Leone is a country that despite riches in natural resources such as diamond is considered the poorest country in the world. Sierra Leone struggles with poverty, a lack of proper healthcare, infrastructure, education, clean water and proper nutrition. The country has the highest child mortality rate in the world, 28% of the children die before they are five years old.
Pt. 2: Alhaji Kamara talks about what it is like to live in one of Freetown’s slums and about loosing two of his children to preventable illnesses.
Pt. 3: Delays in getting to a hospital and in getting a back up of blood needed during a c-section caused Fatmata Jalloh to loose her child.
Pt. 4: Dr. Ibrahim Thorlie talks about what it is like to work as a medical professional in Sierra Leone.
Pt. 5: Francis died at age three of typhoid, a treatable illness.
For a full bio and more information,
please visit Ann’s website at