
Founder, Editor-in-Chief

Stuart Vail

Los Angeles, California

Stuart has produced TheScreamOnline since 2001. His former Vail Graphics designed company logos, book and CD covers, and original art. He is a publisher of fine art books and also works in Hollywood as a film composer/orchestrator. Past credits include the Batman Animated Series, Mythic Journeys, 1000 Journals, Brian O’Brian, Gravity & Grace yoga DVD, and he has arranged for Andy Wiliams, Cher, Woody Herman, and Magician David Avadon. He was also the Supervising Music Copyist at Universal Studios, Hollywood, overseeing music preparation on over 600 films and many TV shows. Before that he was on the Faculty at Berklee College of Music, Boston. He just finished writing his first novel, set in 1352 London, Through the Lion’s Gate, A Tale of Intrigue and Transmutation.

Art & Photography Editor, Art Director

Joanne Warfield

Los Angeles, California

Photographer and artist Joanne Warfield began her photography studies under Brett Weston in Monterey, California.  A visit to Ansel Adams’ studio deepened her appreciation of photography and fostered a life-long commitment to the art.  In the 1990’s (after decades as a fine-art dealer, gallerist, and art consultant) photography became her #1 passion and career. She immediately began experimenting with Polaroid film and many alternative processes. This work was published in Polaroid Manipulations by Kathleen Carr, Amphoto Books. She was Director of Exhibitions for Women in Photography International for several years and has exhibited her work in galleries nationwide. Her award-winning photography has appeared on television and has been featured in many online Art publications. Joanne’s current work is “The Beauty of Afghanistan Remembered,” a revival of photographs taken in Afghanistan in 1977, during a time of peace, which reveal the kindness and beauty of a rugged, poetic people. “It is my goal that this body of work will serve as an example of hope and inspiration for Afghans everywhere,” says Joanne “and, help reinstate the cultural and personal freedoms that have been lost.” Please visit to learn more about her mission.

Fiction Editor, Poetry Co-Editor

Kaaren Kitchell

Paris, France

Poet and writer of fiction and non-fiction. Her book of poems, The Minotaur Dance, was published in 2003. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University, LA, in 2005. She is currently rewriting her manuscript, The Book of Twelve, twelve interlinked stories about a group of performance artists and friends in Berkeley, California, interwoven with Greek myth. She and her late husband, Richard Beban, taught Living Mythically, based on her vision quest and both of their study of Greek myth, at the C.G. Jung Center in L.A., U. C. Santa Cruz, Esalen, and in private workshops. The Getty Museum has a fine art book of two of their poems in their handmade books collection. She and Richard published the online journal, Paris Play, her essays and his photographs of Paris. Her book of poems, Ariadne’s Threads, is scheduled to be published in 2021. She offers literary tours of Paris by request.

Poetry Co-Editor

Amélie Frank

Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles native Amélie Frank has authored five poetry collections, including Doing Time on Planet Billy Bob (Inevitable Press). Her work has appeared in numerous local, national, and international publications, including Art/Life, Lummox Journal, Poetic Diversity, Blue Arc West, Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts, Levure Litérraire, Edgar Allan Poet, Cultural Weekly, and Wide Awake. Co-founder of the Sacred Beverage Press, she produced the acclaimed literary journal Blue Satellite.  She has been honored by Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center and the City of Los Angeles for her activism and leadership in the Southern California poetry community.  She earned her degree in Creative Writing at U.C. Irvine and has served as a curator and trustee with Beyond Baroque, the Newer Poets Series, and the Valley Contemporary Poets.

Non-Fiction Editor

John Kilgore

Charleston, Illinois

John taught literature and creative writing at Eastern Illinois University, and retired in August 2010. He has published work in The Nebraska Review, McCall’s, Nebula, Space and Time, and The River King Poetry Supplement. He won Illinois Artists Fellowships in 1987 and 1998 and published a small collection, Improbabilities, in 1991. Since 2004 he has been a regular contributor to The Vocabula Review, an online journal. He is currently at work on Don’t Shoot the English Teacher, a collection of linked essays on language and culture. His fantasy novel, Radio Roger, is looking for a home.

Quality Control

Annette Hillesland

Seattle, Washington

Annette studied Industrial Design at the University of Washington. Currently employed at a large Architectural firm, she designs furniture, fixtures, and casegoods for retail environments.


The ScreamOnline logo, images, and written material are
©2001-2023 Stuart Vail unless stated otherwise.
“TheScreamOnline” logo is a registered trademark of TheScreamOnline.
All artists and writers retain their own copyrights.
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